About the Author
Chen Lixing: Professor of Sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan. She is the first Chinese citizens who obtained PhD in sociology in Japan from the People’s Republic of China. After served as researcher at the United Nations Regional Development Center (UNCRD) she returned to academia, and became the first professor of Chinese nationality, even served as president of the Japan-China Sociological Society (JCSS) in Japan. She led many major research projects, for example, ‘Comparative Studies on the New Migrants from BRIC counties in America, Australia, Japan and the UK’. She published more than 40 articles and 9 books in Japanese, English and Chinese.
Product Description
Over the past 500 years, the contacts and exchanges between China and the West are more and more intensive, but the depth of their mutual understanding is still subject to the limitations of various factors. Due to differences in history, culture and ideological confrontation, there are still misunderstandings and even prejudices against each other. The rapid development of China after the implement of reform and opening up policy nearly four decades ago, it has attracted worldwide attention and expectation of China to take its share of responsibilities and obligations in all areas of international affairs. In the past few decades, the global society has undergone modernization, post-modernization, modernity, post-modernity, multi-modernity, globalization, and post globalization. We believe that the concept of transculturality, related to but distinct from cross-, inter- and multi-culturality, can become mainstream discourse in the near future. It could help us to abandon previous prejudices, re-examine each other objectively and rationally.
What Has Been Lost in Contemporary China? (in Chinese) is the first book of the ‘Transcultural experiences with “three eyes” book series’. It focuses on contemporary China since the 20th century. After a half century of humiliation by Western powers, followed by the inmost soul is cleaned by the socialist revolution, and the impact of globalization of the market economy over the past 30 years, China achieved its goals of modernizations and entered the G2 the ranks of the great powers with the “wounded Chinese culture”. In today’s China, social and moral deterioration, feasting and materialistic people everywhere. The author from a sociologist perspective and her own personal experiences by living socialist ideology revolution, reform and transnational period, with problem awareness to reflect on Chinese society, to find what Chinese traditional culture has been lost in in Contemporary China? To explore what kind of social changes happened in after China realised its goal of modennization? To recover what are the operating mechanism of China’s social system? What kind of value system needs to maintain the mechanism of contemporary China’s social system?
About the book series and background
Transcultural experiences with ‘three eyes’ book series is published by Global Chinese Press (GCP) from 2015. GCP is the first publisher focusing on bilingual publications of China, the Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives of China in a global context. It focuses on studies of China in comparative perspective, Chinese perspective of the world or human knowledge, and non-Chinese perspective of China in a global context. This book series id edited by Lixing Chen and Xiangqun Chang jointly. Chen is Professor of Sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan, former researcher of United Nations Regional Development Center (UNCRD), and served as former president of the Japan-China Sociological Society (JCSS),and member of Organization Committee of the International Sociological Association(ISA). Chang is Director of CCPN Global, Editor of the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP), Chief Editor of Global China Press, and Senior Consultant of Global China Unit, UK. She is also Honorary Professor of UCL (University College London); and holder of several Professorships and Senior Fellowships at Peking, Renmin, Fudan and Sun Yat-Sen Universities in China.
作者: 陈立行:第一位在日本获得社会学博士学位的中华人民共和国公民,主攻地域社会学和国际社会学,曾在联合国地域开发中心(UNCRD)任联合国研究员,随后成为日本的大学中第一名中国大陆出身的社会学教授。现任日本关西学院大学教授,博士生导师。日中社会学会会长(2010-2013),世界社会学会组织委员会委员(2010-2014),《亚洲文化奖》推荐委员,她多次承担联合国和日本文部科学省大型科研课题。曾主持为期四年的跨国家、跨大学和跨学科的“金砖四国”在英美澳日移民的比较研究(2009-2012)。学术研究成果基本用日文和英文写作,学术著作9本,学术论文40余篇,其中中文成果包括:陈立行,柳中权主编《向社会福祉的跨越》(2007),陈立行,首藤明和等编《地震・救援・重建的中日比较研究ー全球化与社会关系资本的视角》(2013)。2012年开始为新华网执笔专栏连载:《立行看日本》和《思客》。
内容提要: 近五百年来,中西方之间的接触与交流越来越广泛,但是其相互理解的深度仍受到各种因素的局限。由于历史文化的差异和意识形态的对立,彼此之间仍存在着对对方的误解乃至偏见。中国改革开放近40年的快速发展,吸引了全球的广泛关注与深切期待,中国已经并将继续在国际事务的各个领域承担前所未有的大国责任和义务。在过去的几十年来,全球社会经历了现代化、后现代化、现代性、后现代性、多元现代性、全球化、后全球化等思潮。我们相信一种相关联但又不同于跨文化或多元文化(cross-, inter-, multi-culturality)的“超文化”(transculturality)概念能够在不久的将来成为一种显学并进入主流话语,并且帮助我们摒弃以往的偏见,客观地、理性地、重新认识对方并审视自己。《当代中国失去了什么?》(What has lost in Contemporary China?)是“‘三只眼’超文化系列丛书”的第一辑。它聚焦于20世纪以来的当代中国。经过了近半世纪的西方列强的凌辱、30年灵魂深处的革命、30年全球化市场经济的冲击,中华民族带着遍体鳞伤的文化肌体,实现了向往已久的四个现代化,进入了G2大国的行列。然而,当今社会道德每况愈下,到处灯红酒绿,民众物欲横流。本书作者从社会学家的角度,以自己在社会主义意识形态革命中的经历,改革开放后跨国生活的体验,带着问题意识来反思G2中国社会的现状,与同代人共同反思现代中国中传统文化失去了些什么,是如何失去的?进而在反思的基础上共同探讨如何找回失去的文化精髓,探索实现了现代化以后的中国社会到底发生了什么变化?其社会系统的运作机制是什么?需要什么样的价值系统来来维持当代中国社会系统的机制?
本系列丛书的背景信息: “‘三只眼’超文化系列丛书”( Transcultural experiences with ‘three eyes’)由全球中国出版社于2015年开始出版。全球中国出版社是世界上第一个致力于出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文科学著作的出版公司,专注于出版中国比较研究的著述,还包括在全球语境下对世界和人类知识研究的中华视野,以及对中国研究的非中华视野。本套丛书由陈立行和常向群共同主编。陈立行是日本关西学院大学社会学学院教授。曾任联合国地域开发中心(UNCRD)研究员,日中社会学会会长,世界社会学会组织委员会委员。常向群是全球中国比较研究会 (CCPN Global) 会长、《中国比较研究》主编、全球中国出版社总编和全球中国智库资深顾问。她还是伦敦大学学院(UCL)的 荣誉教授、北京大学、人民大学、复旦大学和中山大学等多所大学的客座教授或特聘研究员。