Chapter 2 The theory and practice of globalization
第二章 全球化理论与实践
By Martin Albrow and Edited by Xiangqun Chang
Series No: Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences Vol. 6
Language: English
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Global Century Press (London)
DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2
马丁 . 阿尔布劳 著 常向群 编
丛书:中国社会科学全球化系列丛书 第6卷
出版社:环球世纪出版社 (伦敦)
DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2
The coincidence of the international settlement of the Second World War with the threat to humankind that nuclear weapons produced made the language of the globe central to human endeavour. With capitalism’s continuing worldwide expansion and technological advance, both structural changes and the practices of change-agents came to be called globalization, prompting an ever-intensifying debate around the concepts and propositions needed for understanding the current social transformations.
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About the author
Martin Albrow FAcSS is founding and past Honorary President of the Global China Academy (2012-2021), UK; non-resident Senior Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Studies ‘Law as Culture’, Bonn University, Germany. He became Emeritus Professor at the University of Wales in 1989 and has held senior visiting positions at various institutions across the world. He is a former President of the British Sociological Association. He was editor of the journal Sociology and founding editor of International Sociology. His The Global Age: State and Society beyond Modernity (1996) won the European Amalfi Prize in 1997. Other books include Bureaucracy (1970), Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory (1990), Globalization, Knowledge and Society (1990, ed. with E. King), the first book with the keyword ‘globalization’ in the title (book reviewed by Roland Robertson, Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 1992), Do Organizations Have Feelings? (1997), Sociology: The Basics (1999), Global Civil Society (co-editor) in 2006/7, 2007/8 and 2011, Global Age Essays on Social and Cultural Change (2014) and China’s Role in a Shared Human Future: Towards Theory for Global Leadership (2018).
About the editor
Xiangqun Chang FRSA is Founding Fellow and President of Global China Academy, Editor-in-Chief of Global Century Press, Honorary Professor of University College London (2015–20), UK; Distinguished Professor of Nankai University, China. Her publications amount to three million words, including Guanxi or Li shang wanglai? Reciprocity, Social Support Networks and Social Creativity in a Chinese Village in English (2010) and Chinese (2009). She is currently editing four series of books (in English and Chinese): ‘Chinese Concepts’, ‘Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences’, ‘Global Chinese Dialogue Proceedings’ and ‘Transcultural Experiences with “Three Eyes”’.
Cite this chapter
Martin Albrow, Xiangqun Chang, ed., 2022, Chapter 2 The theory and practice of globalization, China and the Shared Human Future: Exploring common values and goals, London: Global Century Press. DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2 (马丁 . 阿尔布劳 著 常向群 编,第二章 全球化理论与实践,《中国与人类命运共同体 ——探讨共同的价值观与目标》,伦敦:环球世纪出版社,2022年。DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2)
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Martin Albrow, Xiangqun Chang, ed., 2022, Chapter 2 The theory and practice of globalization, China and the Shared Human Future: Exploring common values and goals, London: Global Century Press. DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2 (马丁 . 阿尔布劳 著 常向群 编,第二章 全球化理论与实践,《中国与人类命运共同体 ——探讨共同的价值观与目标》,伦敦:环球世纪出版社,2022年。DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/GCSS6.en.2022.2)
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General Preface to the book series / Xiangqun Chang.
Editor’s Preface / Xiangqun Chang
Part One: Theoretical exploration
Chapter 1 ‘A shared human future’ and ‘community of shared future for mankind’
Chapter 2 The theory and practice of globalization
Chapter 3 Global governance and China
Part Two: Practical themes
Chapter 4 The Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 5 Lifting Chinese people out of poverty
Chapter 6 Fighting COVID-19
Part Three: Globalization of Chinese social sciences
Chapter 7 Academic and social missions in China
Chapter 8 Academic and social missions for Chinese scholars in the UK
Chapter 9 Towards social theory with Chinese characteristics
Basic information about China’s Role in a Shared Human Future: Towards Theory for Global Leadership
Dual language information from Global Century Press
目 录
序言 (英文)
总序言 / 常向群
编者序 / 常向群
第一部分 理论探讨
第一章 人类命运共同体 (英文)
第二章 全球化理论与实践 (英文)
第三章 中国与全球治理 (英文)
第二部分 实践主题
第四章 “一带一路”倡议 (英文)
第五章 不平等与脱贫 (英文)
第六章 抗击新冠病毒 (英文)
第三部分 中国社会科学全球化
第七章 帮助中国的学者与专业人士履行学术与社会使命 (英文)
第八章 帮助英国的中国学者履行学术与社会使命 (英文)
第九章 走向中国特色的社会理论 (英文)
附录 (英汉双语)
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