第五章 英国主流报刊围绕低碳的话语建构
Chapter 5 Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in British Mainstream Newspapers
钱毓芳 叶蒙荻 著
丛书:中华话语系列丛书 第3卷
出版社:环球世纪出版社 (伦敦)
DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5
QIAN Yufang and YE Mengdi
Series No: Chinese Discourse Vol. 3
Language: Chinese
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Global Century Press (London)
DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5
本章基于 2000 年 1 月 1 日到 2014 年 12 月 31 日英国五份最有影响力的全国性日报:《泰晤士报》(The Times)、《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)、《卫报》(The Guardian)、《独立报》(The Independent)、《金融时报》(Financial Times)所有含有“low carbon”的文本,共计 3,769,340 个词,通过词频分析、主题词描述、检索行分析等语料库诸方法,考察英国主流报刊关于低碳话语的建构,以及它所反映的社会现实。
This chapter is based on texts containing ‘low carbon’ from five of the UK’s most influential national dailies: The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, and Financial Times from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2014. In total, these texts comprise 3,769,340 words. Through methods such as word frequency analysis, keyword description, and retrieval row analysis from the corpus, we will examine the construction of the low-carbon discourse in mainstream UK newspapers and the social realities they reflect.
钱毓芳,浙江工商大学中外话语研究院教授、院长,曾为浙江传媒学院话语与传播研究中心创始主任。研究兴趣包括语料库语言学与话语研究。兼任中国英汉语比较研究会话语研究专业委员会副会长、语料库翻译学专业委员会常务理事以及语料库语言学专业委员会理事。专著Discursive Constructions around Terrorism in the ‘People’s Daily’ and ‘The Sun’ before and after 9.11 获第六届教育部高校优秀科研成果三等奖。合著出版《批判话语分析新发展研究》一书。发表了20余篇与语料库与话语研究相关的论文。主编Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (英文版,2018)。是英国环球世纪出版社“中华话语”系列丛书共同主编(中英文版),以及《语料库与中国社会科学》期刊(中文版,2018)主编。
QIAN Yufang is a Professor and Director of Institute of Chinese and Foreign Discourses, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. She was the Founding Director of the Research Centre for Discourse and Communications, Zhejiang University of Media & Communications (the fi rst such in China) Former Founding Director of She is also the Vice President of the Discourse Research Association of China, an Executive Director of the Corpus Translation Society of China, and a Director of the Chinese Corpus Linguistic Society. She has published more than two dozens of journal articles on corpus based discourse studies. She is author of Discursive Constructions Around Terrorism in the People’s Daily and The Sun Before and After 9.11 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010), won a prize of the Excellent Scientific Research Achievements of Humanities and Social Sciences by the Ministry of Education. She is Editor of Corpus-based discourse on Climate Change and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (2018), co-editor of the Chinese Discourse book series (in English and Chinese since 2016), joint Editor of the Global China Dialogue Proceedings Vol. 3 in both English and Chinese (2017), and Editor of Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (in Chinese, 2018).
YE Mengdi, Professor of School of Marxist Studies, Communication University of Zhejiang, received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from Zhejiang Normal University in 1985 and a Master of Education Management degree from Wuhan University in 2006. Research interests include media convergence, new media communication, network management, etc. In recent years, more than 20 papers have been published on media literacy, cyberspace utilization and other related papers, and participated in a number of national social science fund projects and Ministry of Education projects.
Cite this chapter
钱毓芳 叶蒙荻, 《语料库与媒体话语的 理论、方法与实践 —— 中英美主流报刊中的低碳话语研究》第五章 英国主流报刊围绕低碳的话语建构 ,伦敦:环球世纪出版社,2019年。DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5 (QIAN Yufang and YE Mengdi, 2019, Chapter 5 Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in British Mainstream Newspapers, Theory, Method and Practice in Media Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Low-Carbon in Chinese, UK and US Media (in Chinese), London: Global Century Press. DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5)
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钱毓芳 叶蒙荻, 《语料库与媒体话语的 理论、方法与实践 —— 中英美主流报刊中的低碳话语研究》第五章 英国主流报刊围绕低碳的话语建构 ,伦敦:环球世纪出版社,2019年。DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5 (QIAN Yufang and YE Mengdi, 2019, Chapter 5 Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in British Mainstream Newspapers, Theory, Method and Practice in Media Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Low-Carbon in Chinese, UK and US Media (in Chinese), London: Global Century Press. DOI https://doi.org/10.24103/CD3.cn.2019.5)
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目 录
总序言一 / 谢立中
总序言二 / 钱毓芳
第一章 绪论
第一节 研究的缘起
第二节 中英美三国主流报刊简介
第三节 分析框架
第四节 本书结构
第二章 话语研究的方法与视角
第一节 关于话语的定义
第二节 媒体话语研究方法
第三节 中国的话语研究
第四节 低碳话语的研究
第五节 本章小结
第三章 语料库方法论
第一节 语料库概述
第二节 语料库方法
第三节 语料库与话语研究
第四节 语料库的创建
第五节 语料库分析
第六节 本章小结
第一节 语料分布趋势
第二节 主题词分析
第三节 “低碳经济”趋同化分析
第四节 “低碳经济”的检索行分析
第五节 讨论
第六节 本章小结
第五章 英国主流报刊围绕低碳的话语建构
第一节 语料分布趋势
第二节 词频分析
第三节 Low carbon搭配网络分析
第四节 Low carbon检索行分析
第五节 讨论
第六节 本章小结
第六章 美国主流报刊围绕低碳的话语建构
第一节 语料分布趋势
第二节 主题词分析
第三节 Low carbon的搭配网络分析
第四节 Low carbon的检索行分析
第五节 讨论
第六节 本章小结
第七章 中国、英国、美国社会情境分析
第一节 政治制度
第二节 新闻的生产
第三节 低碳话语与社会情境
第四节 本章小结
第八章 结论
第一节 研究发现
第二节 研究评价
第三节 未来展望
第四节 本章小结
参考文献 、附录和双语信息
Prefaces (in Chinese)
General Preface One / XIE Lizhong
General Preface Two / QIAN Yufang
Chapter 1(in Chinese)
1.1 The Origin of Research
1.2 Introduction to the Main-stream Newspapers in China, UK and US
1.3 Analytical Framework
1.4 The Structure of the Book
Chapter 2(in Chinese)
Methods and Perspectives of Discourse Studies
2.1 The Definition of Discourse
2.2 Methods for Media Discourse
2.3 Discourse Studies in China
2.4 Studies on Low-carbon Discourse
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3(in Chinese)
Corpus methodology
3.1 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
3.2 Corpus Approaches
3.3 Corpora and Discourse studies
3.4 Corpus Building
3.5 Corpus Analysis
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4(in Chinese)
Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in the People’s Daily
4.1 Tendency of Reports Mentioned Low-carbon
4.2 Keywords Analysis
4.3 Convergence Analysis of Low-carbon Economy
4.4 Concordance Analysis of Low-carbon Economy
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5(in Chinese)
Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in British Mainstream Newspapers
5.1 Tendency of Reports Mentioned Low-carbon
5.2 Frequency Analysis
5.3 Collocational Network Analysis of Low-carbon
5.4 Concordance Analysis of Low-carbon
5.5 Discussion
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6(in Chinese)
Discursive Constructions around Low-carbon in American Mainstream Newspapers
6.1 Tendency of Reports Mentioned Low-carbon
6.2 Keywords Analysis
6.3 Collocational Network Analysis of Low-carbon
6.4 Concordance Analysis of Low-carbon
6.5 Discussion
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7(in Chinese)
Social Context Analysis of China, UK and US
7.1 Political System
7.2 News Production
7.3 Low-carbon Discourses and Social Context
7.4 Summary
Chapter 8(in Chinese)
8.1 Research Findings
8.2 Research Evaluation
8.3 Future Prospects
8.4 Summary
References, Appendices, and Dual language information.(in Chinese and English)
Dual language information from Global Century Press
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